Interconnect between VTL tube pre and Bryston amp

I have a VTL 2.5 preamp and Bryston 3bst amp, linked with Cardas Cross. Tried a DH Labs Air Matrix and initially thought it improved alot, more detail. After putting the Cardas back in, I heard a more full bodied sound. What cable will give me more detail like the DH labs, but still sound full and musical as the Cardas?? Thanks for your time
I've owned Bryston amps, and have used them with both a SS preamp
and tubed preamp. The Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref 2 is a good suggestion,
but I'd venture a guess that VH Audio Pulsars might sound equally good
(maybe even better?) and cost much less. Audience Au24 ic's would be
worth a try, too. First, I'd try the Pulsars on a money back guarantee
trial basis.
I would second the AZ Ref Matrix, but I would go with the MK1 version, which, IMHO, is more musical while, perhaps, sacrificing some freq. extension. I had a 2.5 running into a Rogue 88, and I never felt like I needed to change the AZ's.
Indra/pulsar will not work well in this case. They'll be too thin sounding to be placed between preamp and amp.
Try AZ Silver reference II, NBS King Serpent II, XLO limited.
Try Audioquest Cheetah. Been using that with a VTL 2.5 pre and a Plinius 102 power amp with great results.
My .02, Pure Note Cerulean. Great detail and body. Just bought a few more on sale. They work great on my new Tenor amps.