advantage or disadvantage going biwire vs single


my speakers can be biwired or single wired. is one better than the other?
I found and lost an article which described the pros and cons and theory behind biwiring which prompted me to un biwire my new tyler custom linwoods for a test.

The result is that the sound isn't as tight, but its much fuller, richer, better imaging and better bass. For these speakers, with a longer wire run, biwiring was a mistake.

Of course in my den, I have some tyler reference monitors which I think sound better biwired.
A bit late chiming in here, but I just defeated the bi-wire provision on my speakers, and to me the sound is noticeably smoother, fuller, and more coherent. I've only listened to three record sides since doing it, so it could just be the psychoacoustic effect by which "changed" is oft initially perceived as "improved". We'll see.

I realize that my brief description of the 'new' sound also could be read as evidence of rolled off treble, but I don't think that's the case here. My system at times shows some glare or brightness, but I think this is more in the mid to upper midrange than the treble, which could put it somewhere in the crossover range of my speakers (somewhere around 2.5-3 kHz). It seems reasonable that defeating the speakers' bi-wire capability could affect this frequency region.