Copper vs. Silver interconnects

We are running two systems from one CD player. We have a SET (tube, obviously) amp, a hybrid (tube outstage) amp, and the CD player also has a tube. I love my Verastarr silver reference interconnects, but it's always fun to try out different cables.

I have listened to a variety of copper cables (Kimber, DH Labs, Analysis Plus, Harmonic Technology, etc.), and I find them to lack the clarity and lively authority of the silver cables in these particular systems.

My question is this: do I stick with the silver cables (or gold, palladium, beryllium, etc.), or are their some copper interconnects that would really be worth trying? I'm asking for your collective expertise/experience on this one, as I don't want to continue going through the process of buying and selling cables that are only going to sound veiled and/or dull in comparison to the Verastarr's.

Thank you for the input.
Since your SET has quality output transformers, I'd expect that you don't need to overcome any high-end rolloff by using silver cables.

I use the all-copper Sonoran Plateau cables in my system with a SET amp, and feel very happy with them.

I work for Starsound, but I don't have to personally use any of their stuff if I don't want to. The Sonoran cables sounded just right in my system, after trying several different kinds, including DIY stuff. They had a very good neutral sound, and the price was in a range I could afford.
FWIW, I was using a AZ Silver Ref II from CDP to preamp and I purchased an Au24 to compare; I found both to be very close to one another but chose the Au24. Both are fine IC's IMO.
Audience AU 24's are outstanding. IN MY SYSTEM I preferred them to numerous highly regarded silver cables.