Difference between non and factory terminated

If someone gave you a good factory terminated power cable, and someone else gave you the same cable, but they terminated it at both ends themselves (let's suppose they done a reasonable job), could you hear the difference? How much, if any, difference does factory termination make?

So not only are you shilling for Linkwitz, but for Dr. Phil also? If you are so convinced that you carry the absolute truth about audio, then why possibly did you join a community whose fundamental belief is that there aren't any absolute truths in audio? What is your objective here? Are you just wanting to type a little? Have your voice be heard? Convert others? I frankly don't understand why you would choose to join a community that is diametrically opposed to your core beliefs.
And I for one have no clue why you cannot seem to stay on track. You have not responded directly to any question posed, other than use the forum as a platform for your personal truths.
So stick to your position. Why not just stick it elsewhere, in a place that you might find more willing apostles?
Very odd, indeed.
Evita - Now that we've managed to drag you into our jail cell, do you have any thoughts on the original question posed? There seems to be a vague agreement amongst us that there's neglible difference between factory terminated and non-factory terminated cables, although we're all looking at it from different angles..... and it seems that Maury Povich, like Dr. Phil says, cannot change what he cannot acknowledge. Maybe that's why his show is still on the air.
I'll chime in here and offer that one would not hear a difference provided the terminations were the same products from the same manufacturer.
Tvad - What if the IEC connector and wall plug were of a comparable or better quality than the original, but not the the same as the original? In this case, the non-factory terminated cable couldn't be worse than the factory terminated one, could it? (barring a sloppy termination job). Would it sound different? Would it sound better?
All bets are off because there are too many options for alternative wall plugs and iec connectors to make a good judgement. Take a look at the VH Audio website to get an idea of the range of connector options.