Will the Big Ben improve the 24 MXL?

I don't know if i should purchase one or not?
Background to the music got just a little "blacker" (i.e., the noise floor seemed to lower a little) and the images in the soundstage seemed more focused. The Sink does a nice job, as does the IsobaseK, of isolating from vibrations coming from the floor through the rack, but the IsobaseK is better at handling whatever vibrations are caused by the unit sitting on top of it (this makes it exceptionally good with transports and CD players). I imagine it might be even more effective with the 24MXL than my upgraded 34, as you have the power supply in the 24MXL chassis, instead of in a separate box like with my unit. I wound up using both under it for a while before I needed to increase my audio slush fund and sold the Sink; the difference between using both and using the IsobaseK by itself was negligible in my system.
Hey you saved some money!! Spend it on concert tickets, or give it to a good charity!

On a related note, if it makes you feel better, I (like you) used a dCS Purcell for 4 years with my Audio Logic, against Jerry's advice, because I liked the body and weight it gave on many recordings, although it did add some noise and adversely affected the delicacy the Audio Logic has in the high frequencies. I just sold the dCS to raise money for my audio slush fund, and while I still miss a few of the things it does, I think that Jerry ultimately is right, the unit sounds better by itself. In marked contrast, I might add, to a dCS stack I heard recently, where the Purcell and the Verona master clock units made a significant improvement. In fact, I think that the Verona finally made me feel that the dCS stack was about as good as my Audio Logic; before that it just seemed very good to me but lacked that something special. So maybe Jerry did it right the first time, and for a lot less money!
Yeah, now i just have to worry about digital IC's. I know this has been addressed before but, i have to ask... what do you like? I asked the salesman at Music Direct, what he thought of the AQ Eagle Eye compared to HT's Cyberlight IC. He said the AQ is slightly better(and cheaper too!). I've thought about Audience's offering and the Stealth Varidig. Oracle Audio likes HT cables but i don't know which way to turn. I have another problem. I don't know if i should purchase the GPA F-1 shelf for the transport($850)or get the standard HRS Isolation Base($1450)?