VH Audio, Ridge St Audio or Audience Au24 XLRs?

I am in the market for 2 pairs or .5 to 1 meter balanced interconnects to go between an Esoteric DV50/ Pass X-1/ Blue Circle BC 26MKII power amp.

I have rented cables from the Cable Company- including the Au24's but I was not able to get a sample of the Ridge St or VH Audio Pulsar w/o buying them.

I like a detailed yet accurate sound. I am not looking for tone controls. Has anyone compared these 3 cables? If so how would you stack rank the cables?

Thank you in advance
Bingenito, IMHO you've selected three terrific cables, and I'd suggest
trying all three to see which you prefer, because they will will function
differently in your system than in others'. You can audition all these
cables from the manufacturers since they offer 30 day money back
guarantees. Yes, you have to buy them, but if you return them within
the 30 day window you'll receive your money back.

Trying all of them is the only way you'll know which is right for you.
I just want to echo what Tvad said, that is, you must try them in your system to know for sure.

Don't take this the wrong way but regardless of the cable, they all act like tone controls to some extent, as does the rest of the gear in your system.
Not be be hard headed but I am looking for what others have found that have compared these cables. It is obvious that I could buy the cables and try them but before I do that I am asking what other people think.