SOTA table owners- getting upgraded

I have an older Star Sapphire version II which I bought new back in 1986 and subsequently upgraded with a III platter. In 1999 I put it into storage when moving to London and got it out earlier this year. I thought about getting a VPI Scout but ended up sending the table to SOTA to have the springs upgraded and while there, had the platter bearing replaced, the sub-chassis stiffened and dampened and purchased a Cosmos composite armboard. The motor, the original pabst, and the vacuum checked out fine.

I use the table with a SME V and a AT OC-9 cartridge. Man, what a difference these mods have made. Speed stability has improved as the hanging turntable no longer wobbles all over the place due no doubt to the new springs. The table's background noise is now so low that music comes out from a black and quiet background. Soundstaging and clarity have likewise seen substantial increases. If you have an older SOTA, I highly recommend these changes to your table.

I have felt for years,that the COSMOS was an underpriced and fabulous product.With the Boddinet's as owners,you can't go wrong!!
Where, on the internet, can one see photos of the Sota tables (all models) ?
Where to see SOTA

At you can see all the current models.
SO,LARRY---When am I going to get the Schroeder review,that you promised me?No excuses!!!

Also---IMO,regarding the SOTAS(COSMOS in particular),there really is no way to make the comment that one designer's product line is better than another.Unless there is an A/B comparison.It really isn't fair to make claims to the contrary.

There are some fabulous designs out,now!The only ones I am a bit suspicious of(which means nothing,BTW,as I'm just a hobbyist)are the very pricey products,that some reviewers latch on to,and help to drive their sales(as well as to rationalize pricing).Many of these designs are wonderful,but some are short lived(remember Forsell)and compared to a good number of more responsibly priced products,like the new COSMOS III,Teres and some of the VPI's I've heard,don't really set any "Real" new standards.Their owners do get the benefit of the "Rolex watch syndrome",but that's ok with me!!
I was going to write a review for the Schroder last night, but I thought it might be better to wait until I actually have it before offering any strong opinions.
As soon as I get the Schroder in my system, you will be the 11th to know. That's assuming your email ever works and email can reach you.