WADIA / dCS / AA Capitole - the ultimate CD ??? .


The question is: what is the current ultimate digital front end?

We have Wadia 861 and 270/27ix combo. Very engaging, full & dynamic sound. Some sceptics say it is a bit "upfront" and probably "overblown in mid/upper bass region", more than it should be compared with live music. Not bad, of course, but still not delicate and sophisticated enough, that is. And maybe slightly "grainy", isn't it(?) .

We have the excellent dCS digital gear. Very detailed, with perfect space recreation and untamed dynamics. Some think it is a bit "cold" and "mechanical", though.

O.k. - so we have the Audio Aero Capitole! The new "king of the hill". Analog sounding and very seductive. But there is also a considerable drawback to it... Dynamics and bass weight could well be questioned.

What is your experince with these three units?
Have you, by chance, heard them all?
What would you choose as your ultimate CD source for the years to come..?

There is a game where children sit in a circle. One person whispers a story into the ear of the person to their right. That person then whispers the story to the person to their right. The last person in the circle tells aloud the story as he heard it, and everyone has a good laugh at how the story changed from their version as it was passed around the circle. There is a danger to digging through the threads for "generalizations" about these units.
Are you running these units all through a preamp or direct?

My experience with all of them, which has been quite extensive, is that the Audio Aero was the only digital front-end that I could listen to continuously in place of my vinyl setup.

As a dealer for Audio Aero I have had the opportunity to do the comparisons prior to committing to the line. The Wadia was never a factor at all. I was about to take on dCS, but when I put them head to head with the Capitole, I could no longer enjoy listening to the dCS gear. It is like a choice between Roseanne Barr and Shannon Elizabeth. :)
There is no such thing as THE BEST.
It always depends not only on your system (cables, pre-yes/no, amp-tube/ss) but also on your room(!) and first of all on your preferences in listening to music. Like in a concert hall - as the late Glenn Gould stated there are only up to 5 seats where he could reach the listener in a way he wanted to and subsequently stopped playing in public - all the mentioned solutions have their pros and cons and they all are sure AMONG the best available. Beware of the hype around so called "new" solutions, though. Some of thenm are pretty old yet still valid. So if you listen to one of the mentioned units and feel: "that's it"! then stop looking further and be happy ever after. I have listened to all these units extensively and my real "high end" choice is the Wadia 270/27ix.
Good luck!
I would suggest you also give the Sim Audio Eclipse a listen.

I had originally decided on the Wadia 861 and placed an order with my local dealer. While I was waiting for the Wadia to arrive, I came across a number of strong reviews for the Sim Audio player and decided to give it a listen (also carried by the same dealer).

The Sim Audio player has stunning resolution and rhythm and also has an attractive industrial design. It is about 50% less expensive than the Wadia and would appear to be very upgradeable as future technology develops. It also has the same transport as the Oracle.

While I have not heard either the dcs or AA Capitole, I bought the Sim Audio last month and have been very pleased with it.
There continue to be threads about the very best digital. I have heard everything mentioned above plus the EMC 1 with 24/192, and I have the latest future version of the EMC 1 now which will available in several months. The AudioMeca Mephisto 2, the Accuphase 75, the Sim Eclipse, the Levinson 39S, the Audio Aero, Wadia 861. We have done comparisons with all of them.

Here is a summary. The Audio Aero and the EMC 1 sound more alike than any of these players. The difference is that the EMC 1 has better bottom end. But then the EMC 1 has better bottom end control than any player mentioned. With the new future upgrade it exceeds the Audio Aero but then a new Audio Aero is about to be released which I have not heard. My guess is those 2 players will stay comparable. The EMC 1 having the edge in looks and bottom end the Audio Aero having the volume control. How good is the volume control? It is good as long as you don't compare it to a really great preamp like a First Sound, Red Rose, Joule Electra etc. We of course did all our comparisons using the same preamp, powercords, etc.

I am a dealer for the EMC 1 and the Audio Meca Mephisto 2. the Mephisto 2 is my favorite player because it is the most seductive and delicate of all the players mentioned. If I was going to purchase one player that would be the player for me but not everyone. None of these players is. There is no bests. Once you have reached the level of these players you cannot go wrong. These are so good that while you are listening to any of these players at that moment that is as good as it gets. You can almost just choose the one you like the looks of the best and you will be pleased.

My personal feeling about separates is that one box players have gotten so good that you will spent as much in cabling alone to get as good a sound out of separates as it would costs you for a new one box player. When we tried the Audio Meca dac and transport against the one box Mephisto 2 we had to put a Vahalla digital cable $2000, plus a Genghis Khan powercord $4500 on Dac and Transport to have it sound just a touch better than the Mephisto 2 and the Khan. So we had already put in thousands more in separates of the same brand and then another $6500 for a subtle improvement. Why?