Has anyone heard the 47 labs Shigaraki DAC?

I have read two favorable reviews on the Shigaraki DAC. I am glad to see a company attempting to make the most out of the standard CD format. While the other formats fight it out.
There is a nice review of the Shigaraki DAC in this months Listener Magazine, i have heard the 47 Labs Flatfish/Progression Many times and have been very impressed. 47Labs is also coming out with a Shigaraki tranpsort which looks to be very good.
Comparison DAC's were internal dac in Sony XA7ES and a Muse 2+ DAC. I like 47 labs in general, but the shigaraki dac just wasn't my cup of tea. I have the Gaincard amp, which I think is their best product (esp. bang for the buck) that I have heard.

I heard the full Shigaraki system last night. I still have vivid memories of the experience. I have owned about 50 pieces of hi-fi in the last 4 years; nothing prepared me for the sound of this system for the money. I have heard better systems, but they were either very expensive tubes or the more expensive line of 47 Labs gear. For $4500 you get a transport, DAC, and integrated amplifier with three inputs. It is stupid good for the money. I have heard $40,000 systems that did not approach the true musicality of this system. Put the system on a Symposium Svelte Shelf, add some good power cords, and cable the whole thing with 47 Labs' OTA cable kit, and you have a very serious perfectionist system. The 18 watt amp drove Quad ESL-57's--using the tiniest speaker cable I have ever seen--with more authority than I have heard any speaker driven. And for those who say that Quads have no bass, they must be deaf. I am not sure I would want to own the DAC in a different system. 47 works hard to give their systems synergy, and that comes through loud and clear with the Shigaraki system. Soon there will bea Shig phono section too. Can't wait to hear it.
Yes..I own the Shigaraki and it's a superb performer. It needs the right transport to really shine however. So far, the best transport I've used has been the EVS (Ric Schultz)modified Sony cd player. It's a great combo.
I own a Flatfish transport and Shigaraki Dac and everything is wired with OTA. I have owned a Wadia 850, Levinson 390S and Accuphase DP65 players. This 47Labs system easily bests the others in terms of communicating the message. It is simply more "human". If you care more about the music than the sound, go for it!!