Most beautifull turntables today....

Recommend some of the hottest looking turntables today..
I think mine is the ugliest!!! Does that count? Maybe knida like a Pug - so ugly it's cute?

I have an SME30. Looks like crap, sounds like a dream.

Am I the only guy at Audiogon that likes the looks of the SME? I think it's design is beautifully functional.

Anyway Frank, it's the tunes that count and the SME gets it right. guy's are all blingin'...isn't that what it's all about...without pimps...there would be no high end audio.

now all we need to do is incorporate words like phat, shizznit and da bomb into our audiophile vocabulary and I think we'll be on to least the manufacturers will hopefully pick up on that...cause I want a phat system someday. ;o)

Frank the table looks fine with all that fine Lamm gear we have. It sounds great and when people come over they think it cost us much less than it did.
With my Tom Evans stuff in the perpex boxes people think it is a budget system.