Electrical outlet upgrade worth it?

I live in an apartment. I am currently working on purchasing PC's and conditioners/filters. Question is:

I do not have a dedicated circuit nor do I want to put one in at the apartment. As such, would upgrading the outlet which my audio goes into be beneficial or a waste of $$$?

Maxgain, The Hubble 8300, aprox. $20.00, the PS Audio power port $ 45.00 and the Wattgate $120.00. (These were the best prices I found new) My impressions were the Hubble and the Wattgate have very similar tonal qualities. Both have speed and bass control. Both are neural in there appearance, no discernable added sound. The Wattgate has an incredible smoothness and life like quality. It's as if the notes and images are less artificial and more liquid. Very hard to put my finger on other than the Wattgate is extremely musical. The PS Audio is a very different creature. It's very lively but etched and sterol. The entire presentation is more forward and brighter. I'm not saying it's bright, just more treble energy.
For the money the Hubble is a great outlet and will add say 10-15% to the systems capability. I'm not sure what that really means, only a point of reference. The Wattgate is far more refined and adds yet another 10-15%. If I were to put it in terms of dollars vs system cost, the Wattgate is giving me 30% more from my $5000 Plinius amp. Could I get that same 30% from $120 more expensive amp? I do not think so. I'm not sure I would receive that 30% from an $8000 amp. I love my equipment and how it sounds. With the Wattgate it simply makes the equipment I already love, better.
As for the PS Audio, I felt it changed my equipment, and I did not want it changed, just improved. If your system has faults by being a bit to warm, thick and muddy bass or needs more treble energy this may be a better outlet than the others. If you can imagine, another system dependant improvement.
I use ACME treated P&S outlets ganged in loose junction boxes, running directly to the house breaker panel on Belden 83802. The CDP has its own line, as do the pre and tuner together. A third box has a 30 amp industrial Leviton SPDT switch in it to allow remote turn-on of my Aleph 2 monos. As I did ALL this at once, I of course can't comment on what aspects are more important, but at $35/ACME, $10/switch, and $2/ft Belden, the $300 spent here resulted in a added dimension of dynamics, and perhaps a bit more resolution...not unlike some of that offered by the 24b/192k DAC modded into my EMC-1. The $300 seems a bargain.
The leftover 83802 was used to make all the PCs. Why not, eh?, following the "continuousness" argument instead of the
"last 6 feet DO matter" camp. So no $$ PCs for me. 12AWG copper in FEP at $2/ft is too appealing.
ACME's treated P&S may be the more subjective modification here, but at $100/3 I sprung for it.
Also bought a Furutech IEC used for $40. Now THAT seemed stupid! Anyone want it? Cheers.
Jadem6, have you tried cryogenically treated outlets?
If so, where do they fit in your lineup?
Judit, I have not tried anything cryogenically treated. I would love to hear some others who have tried both to see what they found. I most would like to hear about the treble.