Virtual Dynamics Power Cords Master Series

I am looking for a very good power cord for a CEC TL-1X transport. I have read only about these power cords and was wondering if anybody has any expereince with them. I am interested in their Master Series cord. My price range ia about $1,000 used....$2,000 used.
I have 2 master pc's in my system. I was using the nite pc's. Wow, what a difference. They transform your whole system. Voiceing has changed with more intensity, bass tighten up even more. Noise ? No noise, just black, black, black backrounds. Your amp seems to be more at easy with the flow of music. Example: Before i knew the backround singers were in the building, Now they have taken stage and given microphones to sing into. My sacd player is much more intense with its presentation of detail. I am hearing so much more from redbook cd's that I have played many time before. You will want to listen to every cut of the cd,and not just your favorites. They do cost, but this is the greatest upgrade I have ever done. The music just flows and you will feel every emotion of the music, every emotion of the artist and what he is trying to say. I know at times my heart races with the intensity of the music and the emotion of the presentation. Try this cord and find out what I am talking about. Brian
If you have a thousand or two to blow on power cords, go ahead and let us know!:)

The VD Mastere series cables are amazing. If I could afford them, they would be in my system!