Old, grainy, bright & financially restricted

My old ARC D-240 is on the grainy side, my B&W 703's are on the bright side, the Kimber speaker wire on the thin side, which culminates in an all-too-often fatiguing listening experience. Add to this, my limited budget for audio gear.
I recently had the opportunity to try a set of Transparent Music Link Ultra IC’s between my DAC and preamp. The results were surprising. I believe that the inclusion of this one interconnect actually tamed some of the brightness, or at least opened up the soundstage enough that the brightness was less noticeable. The bad news for me is that I can’t afford to pay my friend’s asking price of $600 for the IC. So again, I ask my fellow Agoners to help out by asking which IC’s are similar in musicality to the Ultra’s, but more affordable (used $200 or less range)?? Obviously, I’m looking for something that will mate well with my system and not accentuate the already bright response. Eventually, I will look into new speaker cables.

You might find the JPS cables to your liking. If you happen to try them, they take ages to break in. They sound wonderful for about 2 hours, then thye get all weird and phasey for about 100 hours,to the point of insanity, and just before you shoot yourself, they open up to a quiet background and smooth enjoyable tone. They are NOT bright, but nicely nuanced. Oh, they are a bitch to hook up too. They are like thin copper tubes!
I'd look into Van den Hul the Second. A terrific bargain, the kind of tonal balance you're looking for, matches well with Audio Research electronics, and inexpensive, particularly if you order from a European dealer who advertises on Audiogon and sells directly to buyers outside the EU. FYI... I much prefer Van den Hul's the Second to the First, and the Second can be purchased with both XLR and RCA terminations.
The Cardas quadlink cables will tone the brightness in your system are are a good inexpensive temporary solution.