Cables-how can you be sure of authenticity?

I hope I don't step on anybody's toes with this post however I was just wondering if it is possible to copy expensive cables accurately and pass them off as originals?

I had an experience with a good friend who bought a very high ranked interconnect without packaging-it looked very good and whilst it sounded good we were not blown away with it's performance and I must say I've always had a doubt as to if it was the real thing.

Does this type of thing go on or do some sellers just have access to a good supply of highly rated cables without packaging?
Yep, Cary Audio is also having knockoffs from China BTW.

As if cables weren't maddeningly difficult and subjective enough to buy with exact system matching, burn in, etc now we have to factor in that it might not even be a legit product? It's enough to drive you to boom boxes.
Indeed I would say I have a biased opinion of interconnects because I think now I was exposed to a fake Cardas Golden Reference.
I think I would chose to not know;because it would confirm I ain't to bright,and now my money is gone.
I am sure they exist, but I agree with other respondents, whats the point. It would be expensive to set up production of a convincing fake, the market for high end cable is small and most of all, how do you distribute them To justify production costs, you are going to have to shift a few thousand units. how are you going to do that? E-bay, you would die of old age before you made a profit. There are easier ways to make a dishonest living.
I would also say, I am definely impressed by decent cable. I use all Acoustic Zen, that seems to give an improvement at least equivelant to a major equipment upgrade. Once you've got it, a loom can last many years.