transaction gone bad Any recourse for me? HELP

I recently bought a pair of NHT 2.5i’s from a private sale on the internet. Originally, the seller and I agreed on a price but I stalled for a while. After a week, he emails me to let me know that he’s going to relist his posting for $50 less including shipping. I agreed on the new low price, saved myself $50 and prepaid him. However, this was a hard decision since there was a local guy selling a different kind of speakers (also on my shopping list) for another savings of $50. But, since I’ve been dealing with this person, I thought I’d just buy his speakers. He told me that he didn’t have the original boxes but would use the NHT 2.9 boxes instead and would modify to suit. I specifically told him to make sure they’re padded all around and to insure them for the full amount. He also confirmed that they are in as new condition with all the spikes and manual. When I finally received the speakers, the big box was on its side. I asked the UPS delivery guy which way was up and he didn’t know. He just wanted to deliver the damn, big, and heavy box and leave. Fine. When I opened it, true enough they were sitting on their sides and consequently damaged the tweeters (the plastic “covers” in front of the tweeters were pressed in on one side, pushing in half the outer perimeter of the tweeters). Also, I only received 6 spikes, and one of the grill pegs has been cut off. I emailed the seller right away and he acknowledged the missing peg and spikes and basically told me to just deal with it. When I asked him to claim insurance, he declined since he’s already lowered his price! Is there anything I can do to rectify this problem, any recourse I can take??? I’ve been dealing on the net for a while now and haven’t quite experienced this. HELP!!!

I like your suggestion about buying local, but how do you do a search for local equipment? Doesn't this also drastically limit your choices of equipment?

If you can get the seller, who'll we'll refer to as Mr A. Hole for simplicity sake, to sign a waiver and forward the rights to any claim over to you, you can file a claim with UPS. Since you had already paid for the products, he was simply forwardind your property to you. From there, you'll have a LONG up-hill battle with UPS, but you've got nothing to loose other than time with a lot to gain.

I would be nice to Mr Hole and try to con him into helping you as best possible. After that, i would not hesitate to warn others of his less than ethical ways of doing business. Sean

PS... This is why i always drive to pick up speakers.
Did you pay for the speakers using a credit card? If yes, why don't you just call the credit card and dispute the charge.
Never buy speakers without orginal boxes if you cant pick them up. Your clain with ups will be useless if the boxes did not have arrows and were not well marked this end up! The seller who shipped then should have done this!
I am sorry that things turned out the way they did, but perhaps there is a little instant karma going on here. If you agreed on the price, why the "stall".