DACs: Burmester vs. Meitner vs. dcs

Any comments would be appreciated.
Libor, a new DAC I think you should add to your audition list is the new Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete.

Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete
after hearing all three at the Stereophile show in San Francisco this past weekend......it is not close; the Meitner was a good deal better than the other 2 on redbook.....and light-years better on sacd. i went back to these rooms multiple times to really get a feel for the sources......ultimately since they were in different systems my conclusions are provisional. also consider i am a Meitner owner and therefore not completely unbiased.

the Meitner is not only more natural sounding and dynamic than either of the other two......but also has more detail and body......very analog-like......and a much more complete soundstage.

both the dCS and Burmeister are certainly excellent......but just not at the level of the Meitner.
Mike L.,
I understand that you stated, "since they were in different systems my conclusions are provisional"................how can you come to ANY conclusions at all about the contribution of the CD transports and DACs when the systems are different???

Even if you are familiar with the gear that was used in the DCS or Burmester room, there are other variables like cables, the room itself, power conditioning...............
Dolphin, good question. i have heard both the Burmeister and dCS at CES both this year and last. i also have had the dCS in my room about 2 years ago......so my opinions are not only based upon this past weekend. i feel (especially on the dCS which i have heard multiple times in different systems) that the characteristics of both products are consistent thru the systems i have heard them in.

even more important; i strongly feel that all the systems i have heard these products in are sufficiently high-resolution that it is reasonable to compare the level of information presented by each product. i admit to not likeing the Burmeister preamp/amps/speakers but it is still quite high in resolution.

if you were to review my past posts you will see a common thread of specific qualification on my opinions as to the context of them. if i say an opinion is provisional-----it means that i believe it strongly enough to write it-----but not all the facts are yet in. my opinion in this case is more than a hunch or a feeling......clearly the Meitner does things that are unique......and i have heard the Meitner in enough different systems and compared to enough different digital sources to be confident with the truth of it.

i respect your skepticism toward any conclusions reached at shows......i share that skepticism. i think that my indication that my opinion is provisional and that i am a somewhat biased Meitner owner allows any reader to judge the credibility of my post for themselves.

those guys wanting to make decisions about these products are asking me about my opinion on a regular basis. i have had the opportunity to hear these products multiple times and have had high-performance digital products in the past. so i do feel i have a reasonable context to comment.