DACs: Burmester vs. Meitner vs. dcs

Any comments would be appreciated.
my guess is that in many cases 220 volt operation will bypass some parts of the power supply that are necessary for 110 volt operation
I don't know about all cases (who does?), but I know that to change my Welborne Labs Laurels over to run off 220v means just changing the wiring of the transformers. The different taps are there, and it's just a matter of connecting up the right combination. I think in general this would be true. I would not expect that parts would be bypassed.

There could be an advantage, of course.

I always wondered if the remarkable interest in after-market power cords by US audiophiles, which was not as predominant in Europe and the Pacific, was mainly due to the lower mains voltages. (By this argument one might think that the Japanese audiophiles running 100v would show even more interest.)

It could just be a timing thing though, as we are seeing the UK mags (like HiFi+) reviewing power cords these days; but it does seem to me that the US was into this for quite a few years before the 220v countries.

I just spent the weekend in New York and was able to hear the dcs and the emm labs in the same room. Again, I found the dcs superior to the emm labs in cd playback and about equal in sacd mode. If my memory serves...the Burmester sounded better than either in cd mode. No sacd available.
Sm2727: What was the rest of the system? If you like the dCS so much, I have some available that were traded in for the EMM Labs :)