Single box CD players with NO oversampling?

Who makes single box CD players with NO oversampling or upsampling? The ones I know about are ARC and Audio Note. Are there others?
6chac - thanks for your response. Audio Note claims "1x-oversampling" (and NO digital filtering). Is their claim not correct ? thanks -
6chac - thanks for your response. Audio Note claims "1x-oversampling" (and NO digital filtering). Is their claim not correct ? thanks -
Frank Van Alstine claims that his "OmegaStar" DAC uses 4x oversampling. Does this mean he is in the same camp as ARC, Audio Note, 47 Labs etc (no oversampling)? this is very confusing. thanks
Why would you want a cdp that did not oversample? I too am confused....I thought the cd redbook standard called for some form of oversampling. Also, Wadia cdp's DO oversample.