Single box CD players with NO oversampling?

Who makes single box CD players with NO oversampling or upsampling? The ones I know about are ARC and Audio Note. Are there others?
Why would you want a cdp that did not oversample? I too am confused....I thought the cd redbook standard called for some form of oversampling. Also, Wadia cdp's DO oversample.
If it is 4 times oversampling it is not the same as Audio Note. In addition, The ARC does not use the same chipset as Audio Note or the 47. The Audio Note uses no up or oversampling and no digital filter. The results are astonishing.
D/A convertors do not need to have oversampling to work, it's just that they are almost always implemented to smooth out the filter curve. A pure analog "Brick Wall" Filter can be used somewhere past 20,000 hz with no over sampling. This was done in some very early CD players from the early 1980's. However, this didn't work very well because it caused distortions and artifacts in the audiable bandwidth. To say that the "Basic sample rate... is 4x oversampling" is completely incorrect. I had a 2x oversampling CD player back in 1985. At that time 4x oversampling was a totally new thing. I'm sure a company like Audio Note has found a way to implement an analog filter without causing distortion in the audiable bands.
Actually, I believe Audio Note is depending on the speakers and the listener's ears to accomplish the ultrasonic filtering, letting one's amplification fend for itself with an unfiltered signal from the DAC.
Every Compact Disc player on the market use oversampling. See the "Compact Disc" logo on every compact disc player ? Do you think those logo was put on all cd player by accident ? They pay to have it there. They pay to have the formula to build and sell compact disc player. Think of the Intel Pentium CPU's. The new Intel CPU's are basically X86 code, made faster, for example XT, AT, 386, 486, Petium, II, III, IV etc... The basic instruction set has to be there, to be backward compatible with the old softwares. Back to the compact disc, the samething applied. Some company does better oversampling, some do worst, some just bought OEM parts from Sony or Philips then build their own power supply (tube or solid state). TEAC develope their own transport (Wadia) but still the basic oversampling is there plus more (Wadia use 32X, 64X etc...)
Let say you build a brand new CD player, and try to sell it on the market. Sony /Philips will sue you until you take it off the market. You cannot call it a "cd player", neither. Because it is copyright. The same apply for media, not the content but the "disc" itself, also copyright. That mean your new build "what ever it is that you build" cannot (not suppose to) read the standard Compact Disc. Like a "pure" SACD player, which might not need oversampling, Sony own the "SA"CD player"" so somebody need to pay for the copyright or pattern anyway to sell "SACD player and/or media" see the circling ?

I was an adult that own a cd player in 1985 :-)
