Degrade in sound over 48 hours. What happened?

Retermination of all connections, complete with Kontakt Electrical cleaner on all terminations and RCA plugs. System is vintage/new combination. Yamaha CR220 15 w/ch receiver 1979. NAD C520 CD player 1999. Bang and Olufsen S35 Type 6311 2-way loudspeakers. AQ Viper RCA 1 meter to CD. AQ CV-4, AQ Type 4 (single run of each, 17.5 feet to speakers). 30" Paradigm Premier metal stands. Monster Gold-Pin connectors (twist type) at receiver. Standard B&O speaker (2 pin) plugs. Result on Saturday was open, very wide soundscape with low lows and clear highs--almost a reverb effect in sound. Monday sound is noticably harsher with muddy bass and distorted highs and loss of quality sound imaging. Only have a basic 6-outlet power strip without any filtering, ect., and all components are non-IEC cables. Any ideas on what caused the sudden loss of fidelity? Seems that the receiver needs more volume than before to get the same sound level a few days ago. It's loud now but not as clear.
Based on your description it seems that you are experiencing the effect of worse power fed to your components i.e. more use thus more noise power you get and voltage may sag.
If you have acces to a volt meter you can check (if you don't know how to do it better have someone else do it so you can learn how to, SAFETY FIRST!) if voltage at your home is lower during weekdays vs weekend it might be the cause of it.
Will have to search the archives on power conditioning and read plenty about it.
Did it happened from last weekend to this monday?

Might be fluctuations in the incoming electric service.
Might want to check (clean) the grounding connection for your service.
Weather conditions (humidity) seem to play a part on this,
assuming your equipment didn't develope any problems.
I would suggest your system is in the process of re-break-in due to retermination. It will take a week or two.
Substitute, if you can, another IA and cdp without the power strip into your system and see if the problem is duplicated to confirm a power problem. But I don't think it's an A/C issue...

It's very possible it's the receiver (I'm assuming you reterminated with correct polarity). Could be worn out power supply capacitors, especially after 25 years. Other possibilities are damaged cable terminations or a problem with the input/output jacks on the receiver. See if lightly tapping or pulling on the input and output cables near the back connections result in a popping sound. Or try tapping on the volume knob and see if there's static/grunge.