Krell KBL or KCT, CAST cable or balanced cable?

Hi all,

I have a Krell KBL hooked up with a pair of FBP 350Mcx using Transparent Reference balanced cables. I am thinking to upgrade to KCT. My question is, does KCT sound superior to KBL? If I bought a KCT, should I hook it up with FBP350Mcx using Cast or my existing transparent cables? Should I expect difference between Cast and the transparent cables? Your help are very much appreciated. Thanks!

Anfield, I believe the difference could be in the type of insulation and solder Transparent uses. The Krell has a cheap rubber outer and the transparent has a different material. I don't think the Transparent is worth the price new, but if you can find them used as I did, then the investment is worth it. A Krell dealer in San Franciso recommended the Siltech version of CAST and they felt it was the best of all the companies licensed to sell the CAST. I think Transparent, Siltech and maybe XLO could make the CAST cable for Krell. I was extremely disappointed with the Krell wire and I am a BIG Krell fan even though I only own the KPS-28C now.
Thanks all of you for your comments and opinions. I sure will try to at least locate a pair of used Krell CAST cables, if not the Transparent CAST (of course I prefer the later more). But bottomline is I am glad that Krell users generally agreed upon that CAST cables are superior than balance cables. Many thanks!
Hi all, one more question. Could anyone please explain to me what the difference is between CAST and CAST II? If I buy KCT and use it with my 350mcx, would I be using CAST II technology with Krell/Transparent CAST cables?

David, yes you would, it's in the pre and amp circuitry, not the interconnect.