Power Cord Priority

Just purchsed my first upgrade PC. Problem is I am not sure where to use it to get the most impact for the $$$ spent. Should I use it on my cd/sacd player or preamp? I run monoblocks so single cord not useful there.
Recently I read that Nordost's opinion is to put the best power cord at the beginning, ie., from the wall to the power conditioner. I always used to start from the source first. Though often used to defend the idea of source as most important, it's funny how "garbage in = garbage out" can run both ways. Personally I am taking this advice and working from the wall out and so far I'm not disappointed. Spreads the benefit to everything. Your inevitable second cord going to the amp then the source.
Try it in all places and pick your favorite. Then try again in a couple weeks.
I appreciate each response. Conclusion appears to be to try the cd/sacd player first, then the preamp. Can't implement the wall to power conditioner since I am using an internally hard-wired surge-protecter/conditioner. Aagin, thanks for taking the time to pass your experience on to me.
If you don't plug into a conditioner, go first with your weakest power supply. That's usually your digital gear.
Would it be better to invest in a conditioner and use equipment mfg-supplied stock PC's or purchase quality PC's and not worry about using a conditioner? How much does a "good" conditioner cost???