Power Cord Priority

Just purchsed my first upgrade PC. Problem is I am not sure where to use it to get the most impact for the $$$ spent. Should I use it on my cd/sacd player or preamp? I run monoblocks so single cord not useful there.
There is no power cord out there that can do what a power conditioner can. I replaced my power cords, years ago with Latinternationals. Was very happy. Then came my introduction into power conditioning via Audio Magic. Profound positve addition to my system. I didn't think the addition of an esoteric power cord could make a difference, but it did. Electric is very mystical, having profound and scientifically unexplainable effects on ones system. My experience has been:
Dedicated cryoed outlets + power conditioning + power cords = electric nirvana. Can be very costly, but worth it, IMHO
warren :-)

BTW, if $$ are a factor, and when aren't they?--go for a dedicated outlet and a cryoed outlet for your source, first. That's a start, and you can go from there....
Nanotweeter, if you can, go straight to the wall with your CDP and preamp, just to start. Then try your new PC in each application. Get your conditioner out of the way for the moment. They sometimes (oten, usually) do more harm than good unless and until you find the right one for your system. That's been my experience at any rate.
I came to the same conclusion as Warrenh. Absolutly true: first power conditioning, than powercords. These two elements which are elevating the performance of my system to a very high level and let the equippment I have to show their capabilities.
I agree with Drubin. I did not have good experience with power conditioners made by rotel & monster. These units cost about $200-300, they seem to do the job by filtering out noise but that also slow down music.
Agree with Warrenh and Ajahu. Go with a power conditioner -- it can also save your equipment from frying in certain circumstances. Plus, it helps clean the grunge out of the power more than a power cord can do.