The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
>>zip cord DOES roll off the treble response and it is audible.<<

ROFL. Yeah. Good thing YOU are not stubborn, huh?

>>Not only in amplitude, but also in terms of transient response.<<

You might as well say Zip Cord makes apples come out of your speakers, drop some jargon, mention Nelson Pass, and you'd be just as convincing.

>>Remember, i'm comparing this to a wide bandwidth, low inductance design.<<

More jargon. Zip Cord is either audibly rolled off or it isn't. And it isn't. There's no more debate about that. Anyone who has the facts and still wants to believe this just wants to believe it, no matter what.

It is hilarious that you keep spinning around trying to save face rather than just admit you made a little mistake, went off about a "roll-off" without doing any research, fibbed about what you can hear to try to cover it, and got your tail caught in a crack. Some people would have just said, "wow -- thanks for the correct, I guess I was thinking about something else." Or, "Man -- I guess I must have looked at the frequency response charts before I had my coffee."
Or, something.

You can drop Nelson Pass and as much jargon into the conversation as you want and it won't make the "roll-off" audible, won't give you the super human hearing you'd need to hear it. In fact, dropping irrelevant names is just more evidence that you're spinning.

An honest argument wouldn't need such stuff.

In legal circles, they refer to such behavior as "cognizance of guilt."

I wouldn't go that far, I would just call it throwing stuff at the wall to see what might stick.
>>The man asked for "detailed speaker cables"<<

And that's what we were talking about -- how to figure out what the guy needs to get the sound he wants.

The record shows that in the middle of this discussion, Sean showed up and posted a link to another thread and a different argument.

Hi-jacked the thread.

Also, what am I supposed to do -- have different beliefs in different threads?


Is anyone else under this requirement, or only me?

Doesn't it make sense to you that I sound the same in various threads?

Have similar ideas in various threads?

Think about this for a minute.

Do you *really* expect otherwise?

I don't think you do -- I think you are the victim of your own unrealistic and wishful thinking, which is causing you to be frustrated beyond your own tolerance level. Sort of like cutting your own finger, pouring salt on it and then cursing the ocean.
>>Having said that, where would you recommend that i perform a blind listening test with others there to witness and confirm not only the results, but also that the tests were conducted fairly and honestly?<<

I have three answers.

1) If I were you and I wanted to have the best chance of passing, I would take the test in an anechoic chamber with perfectly flat frequency response, the most expensive speakers I could afford, and a friend who would tip me off to when I was listening to FLAT and when I was listening to 12 gauge Zip Cord.

2) If I were you, I would just drop this and move on because you cannot hear the difference between flat and .088 db down at 20Khz. Don't feel bad. No one can. You could multiply that by 10 times and you still couldn't hear .88 down at 20Khz.

3) I am getting a kick out of how far you are willing to take this rather than concede. Because you really only have three choices; Drop this and move on,
concede the point, or dig in and try to stave off the inevitable somehow.
This is the kind of thread that makes me want a Close-N-Play.

Rsbeck and Sean, you two need to sit down together and enjoy a beer, a glass of wine, a Coke...whatever beverage you want...and get to know one another.
Screw the beer and wine!

I think we should lock them in the Octagon for some ho-holds-barred fun and games. No kicking a downed opponent, no fishooking, no groin strikes, and no small joint manipulation.

Are YOU ready?!

Are YOU ready?!

Let's get it on!!!!!