elrod power cable

ive heard lots of nice things abouts these cables, but from i see on pictures the connector is square.. i wonder if those will fit in a standard outlet.. or do one need something special. maybe a dumb question, but still. connectors here in Europe is usually deep and round..
hehe.. yes i know about the different connectors.. i was talking about the European one. the connector itself is square, i didnt mean the plugs. the wall outlet is round, so a normal shuko would fit, not a square one. i dont know why they have made them like that. im sure it fits somewhere in Europe, not here or my neighbour country. too bad.
I have one idea. Try the eichmann distributor. It has such a configuration, that virtually you can use any plug which is produced in the world.
i found the email adress to david elrod, and sent him a message. he will make me a cable with the right connector for my country. there is no dealer for it here or in any of the neighbour countries, so i can get them straight from the factory. very nice, as the price drops a bit.