Which cone's or platforms have helped?

I am curious which Cones or platforms you guys are using on your equipment that have given the best performance? Which products have you tested head to head? Which products were a big disapointment? I am currently looking at the mapleshade cones. I am already using a large maple base like they recommend. I am posting this under digital because I have been told that it can make the biggest difference on CD players.
Hey Tennispro,

Here are some things that have given me the best performance:

Symposium shelves (particularly the Ultra shelf - wow!)
Silent Running Audio platforms
Newport Research Lab Tables
Aurios Pro MIBs
Symposium Rollerblocks
Black Diamond Racing Cones

Here's what I've compared head to head, in a somewhat systematic fashion:

Aurios MIB 1.2s v. Rollerblocks v. BDR cones v. Valid Points v. MGD points under digital front end; Rollerblocks v. Polycrystal cones under turntable; Townsend Seismic Sink v. Newport Lab Table v. Symposium shelves under various equipment.

Most disappointing footers I've tried:

MGD points, Vibrapods, and MIB 1.0s (more for the hassle as compared to the 1.2s, Pros, and Rollerblocks)
There are about a million different approaches - the "right" one is the one that works best in your own rig.
My present "digital stack":
one-box CDP on top - (no mass loading atop of it)
Orchard Bay titanium cones
Orchard Bay brass pucks
Black Diamond shelf (or Zoethecus Z-Slab shelf, both work pretty well, Z-Slab is less expensive)
rack shelf (itself an MDF composition)

Have also used Black Diamond #3 &/or #4 cones, and Audio Point brass cones in this sandwich. O.B. titanium's are amazingly better, but are not longer available. I'm gettting some titanium Nordost Pulsar Points & DH Labs ceramic cones to try next, but so far the above sandwich has worked best for me. YMMV
Neuance shelf is a must!
Orchard Bay are second, EAR footers third.
Aurio's Pro, new found love.
Tom nice - what are Neuance shelves made from? I did a search and can't find any info on them.
My preference has been for brass or those ceramic like foot sanding stones. I prefer a cleaner sound. Sorbothane seemed to muddy up the sound which I did not like.
The interesting thing I found out about Vibrapods is to not necessarily use their recommended weight ranges for each model pod. There are so many other factors in the mix.

My transport is on the light end of the range recommended for using #2 Vibrapods. In other words I could almost use #1 pods based on their information. All I had were #3 pods, so I used them temporarily. I notice a bid improvement. I later picked up some #2. Expecting even more improvement, I was shocked that using the #2 pods sounded worse; actually no better then not using Vibrapods at all. So the #3s are still there.

So I can see why some would not think Vibrapods work well. Following the directions may prove fatal.