advice on hiding cables

My speakers (B&W N804) are up against an 'outside' wall while my system is against aninterior wall. There happens to be a fireplace between the two. I had a tech come look and to run wire hidden in wall would be around $500 - which include sheetrock repair (not crazy about cutting two holes in outside wall due to firebreak in 12' wall). Does anyone have a solution for cable management that would be pleasing to the eye? My speaker cable is 4-14 ga bi-wire (65 strands/wire).
Hardwood floor, or , wall-to-wall? How about flat cables run under the carpet if it's wall-to-wall. If hardwood, run the cables under the floor (provided there is a crawl space or basement beneath your room).
I've always wondered why cable manufacturers don't use neutral colored jackets instead of black or other bold colors.
If you are sure that the speakers will reside where you have them currently placed. I would consider mounting jacks in the wall or the floor if the basement is unfinished. You don't mention the distance. Can you ,if you definitely don't want to cut holes, run the perimeter of the room with both runs? If this is possible, buy a matching peice of trim and tie the cable to it and wedge it along the baseboard so it won't be so obvious.