advice on hiding cables

My speakers (B&W N804) are up against an 'outside' wall while my system is against aninterior wall. There happens to be a fireplace between the two. I had a tech come look and to run wire hidden in wall would be around $500 - which include sheetrock repair (not crazy about cutting two holes in outside wall due to firebreak in 12' wall). Does anyone have a solution for cable management that would be pleasing to the eye? My speaker cable is 4-14 ga bi-wire (65 strands/wire).
Pull off the baseboards, use a router to make a nice groove in the back and run the cables in the groove--this way there is no sheet rock repair. If you do it carefully, you shouldn't even need touch up paint.
I know a gentleman(?) who drilled a hole in his floor and ran his cables under the floor. He has a basement so the whole thing was pretty easy. Is that a possibility?
How about duct tape ? A million roadies can't be wrong. It comes in loads of colors these days, so you'll probably find a pretty close match.
( I think you should pass this suggestion along to your wife and try to keep a straight face while doing so).

Actually I think Ultraviolet's idea is a really good one .. tucked away in my mind for possible future use.