Does the Quality of the USB cable matter?

I have a Squeezebox Touch connected to my Laptop via a 50 ethernet cable.
Also connected to my laptop is an external 1TB hardrive that my music is stored on via a 5 meter USB cable.

With this set up, does the quality of the USB Cable matter ?
I answered something similar to Nonoise & Nicks over on Cable Asylum and got threatened with a ban from the moderator. I always believe in the quality of the metal( including connectors), but aren't asked to do much. It's 0s and 1s.
You'll get the range of (heated) opinions one always gets when the cable dragon is tickled. Plenty of folks on both sides. I think it makes a difference, as does at least one manufacturer of high end digital, Steve of Empirical Audio. But if you're a "1s and 0s are 1s and 0s" person, you'll disagree.

Buying an "entry level" audiophile cord is a pretty cheap experiment.

There's been so much discussion about 'it being only 1s and 0s' here and on other sites. It's true if all you're doing is faxing a document or printing a photo but music is much more complicated, not to mention the many and varied platforms that it's played from, the implementation, etc. On a highly resolving system, I propose that anyone can hear the difference. If one keeps to one's beliefs and limits their exposure to what's possible, then they are entitled to what they believe. They just shouldn't be so dogmatic about it when dealing with others. Sorry to hear about your experience at that other site.

All the best,
Mt10425 - Kable Koolaid myths keep most of the cable vendors in business. Trying to speak the truth, or at least educate people how to properly do listening tests, at a forum called Cable Asylum makes it no surprise that they censored you. With the myths busted, there's really no need for Cable Asylum, or more importantly, their sponsors.

Also, the OP was asking about the USB cable between computer and external disk drive. Even if he wasn't, the answer is still the same.

Don't you think that is somebody actually could identify the difference between two USB cables during a double blind listening test that was repeatable it would posted on all audio forums to show that there really is a difference.