Best CDR for DAT CDR ?

Prices have come way down for professional CDR units. Anywhere from 500 to 2k gets a nice CDR machine. Alesis offers a unit with a hard drive that will hold 5 hours of digital audio. It can then be edited on the hard disk, the tracks rearranged, and then recorded to the internal CDR.

Does anybody have actual experience recording from DAT to CDR with any of these units (Tascam, Marantz, HHB, Alesis, Sony)? any recs on best unit out there?

I have recorded from my Sony and Fostex DAT to Fostex CD Recorder with excellent results. I haven't found a great difference in blank cdrs but I have noticed that Fuji blanks seem to have the least amount of defective discs.( I usually buy in lots of 50-100)
I've used the Marantz CDR631, and will swear by it's performance. Solid build quality, excellent performance. I had people actually claim that the copies sounded better than the originals. I sold it to raise some cash, but now wish I had it back!
Just made a tentative deal to acquire a TASCAM CDR5000 pro model for 300 plus shipping. I think that will do the trick.

Now, I need to learn about high quality analogue to digital converters......anybody know anything about A/D products?
