Is SACD winning over DVD-A?

It seems to me like there are more high-end SACD players and more software. The obvious answere is a universal player but a number of manufactures have gone SACD. I still ask myself if these will both just sit on the sidelines. Most people can't tell the difference between redbook and MP3.. so what chance does either format really have. With DVD-video vs VHS it was something a kid could see.
BEn--You really couldn't hear much difference in the Police SACDs? because the difference I heard was profound, especially in "The Classics." It would seem, to be honest, that a lot of reviewers agree with my assessment. Of course, it's all about your gear and your ear...
Thedautch-I only have Sychronicity-I will recheck it tomorrow I didn't give it more than a cursory A/B on which my gut reaction was more of the same i.e not much between the layers but I really haven't listened in detail-I was actually quite disappointed overall with the disc.
I didn't think the remastering was that startling from the previous release but I listened to it a lot more at the time when it came out-on vinyl!
I'll get back to you on it...........
When I've done a A/B test of 2 ch SACD vs a good multi channel I did think the multi sounded better.. it was just not memorable. It was a classical recording where they basically just added some hall ambience to the recording. The front sound stang was different... but I'm not sure it was better. I was planning to just wait and see but my dying CD player on my 2 channel system is forcing me to act sooner. I will do a multi channel SACD in my HT room but it will most likely be a changer in order to keep my kids from handling the DVDs. Sony is releasing a 400 disk DVD/SACD in Sept for something like $400 and maybe they will have a ES version but it will be just a mid-fi player at best.
Thedautch did a quick check of the Sychronicity SACD hybrid today.
Part of the problem is the original sound of the recording the production has not particularly stood the test of time that well-at least half of the tracks veer towards thin sounding and lack weight-although some other tracks have a less flat sound and more substance and sound a whole lot better.
However that aside I stand by my statement perhaps on the odd track on SACD may exhibit a little of the smoothness I associate with the format but it's very marginal to my ears the difference between that and the CD layer-this is indicative of what I found with all the hybrids I've heard.
I with Jposs on this one. I listen mostly to LPs. I bought an SCD-1 (3k) because I wanted to get into SACD and also to upgrade my CD player. Well, I LOVE the SCD-1. I think it is execellent on regular CDs, though I coudln't compare it to super expensive "state of the art" red book players.

The SACD sounds has me very excited though. In particular, the total silence combined with sound of extremely natural presence and nuance it stunning. I sure hope SACD continues and thrives. This is a really MUSICAL format.