Vibration control with Neuance and Mana

I was finally able to install a state of the art vibration control and dampening system for the front and gear (the new Lindemann d 680 SACD/CD) of my father’s system in Germany (2 pairs Double Kronzilla mono blocks with Imagine electrostatic speakers)
I bought 2 Neuance shelves and a so called Mana Phase 4 Table. The Mana is a rack system made in England and Neuance is a shelf made in particular for racks like that, made by the US Neuance company.
I must say that the Lindemann front gear of my father awakened to new life. It was standing in a normal glass-steal rack and although the system never sounded bad, I knew it could do a lot better. After having assembled the Mana Phase 4 Table in a double Neuance arrangement, I was ready for the first listening test:
My first impression was that the soundstage was not only wider, but much deeper. The violin was not playing so much in your face anymore, and it was a lot easier to pinpoint each instrument in its virtual space and the system also lost a lot of its slight edginess.
The edginess which is left stems from the fact that the 4 monoblocks are still standing on a concrete floor – what a sin! But we have four Ohio XL amp stands coming, which are made by Silent Running and these stands will take care of the remaining vibration problems.
But I can only advice anybody who means serious business with vibration controlling his front gear to look at a Mana- Neuance system. You will be amazed. The improvement was considerable in my father’s system, and I am sure it will also be in yours.
The Neuance/Mana combination has been discussed here at length in the past, always with great enthusiasm. I am still wondering how it stacks up against normally well regarded rack systems like Arcici, Grand Prix, Zoethecus. Not against a glass-steel rack, which I would expect to be hard and edgy. It sounds great from Tekunda's review, but the parts are custom and expensive. Is the performance so much better?
Flex, I have my Neuance on a standard upturned spike off a rigid steel Apollo rack. The glass-steel rack of Mana is not the issue. The rigid, lightweight steel rack with the thin shell light wieght Neuance shelf is the issue. I have used Neuance with upturned brass cones sitting on stone slabs and even had better performance than any other footer alone. Light weight/rigid is the key, in any rack system with a rigid frame the Neuance should perform better than the shelf you are otherwise using. This stuff is great, that explains why all six of my shelves have been replaced with Neuance.
Hi Flex,
Neuance is often used to enhance the performance of such highly regarded supports such as Zoethecus,Finite Elemente and Mana, all of which I respect on their own merits, even tho each is unique in execution, character and presentation.
A search at Audio Asylum of "neuance + zoethecus" produces a few interesting posts that you might wish to read.

I have no direct experience with the Grand Prix aside from show demonstrations but am generally in favor of low mass/low energy storage/rapid dissipation approaches.

Ken Lyon