CD Player buying decisions

I am in the market for a CD Player. I have been looking at prices and reviews of both new and used equipment. I would like some advise on what to purchase. Right now, I have a generic 14 year old JVC CD player that I have had since college.

I have about $550 to spend, but I would love to spend less so I can buy more music! I will be playing regular CDs and CD-Rs. I probably will not be buying SACDs or DVDs anytime soon as I am a two-channel guy. I listen to a lot of jangle pop, power pop, ethereal pop, and post punk.

Here is what I have been thinking about:
Used -
Linn Mimik II
Rotel 971
Rega Planet
AH! Tjoeb '99

New -
Music Hall MMF CD 25
NAD 541li

My system is as follows:
B&K ST-140 amp
Polk Audio Monitor 7 speakers
Onkyo Integra P-304 preamp
Superphon Revelation II preamp (currently getting upgraded with Black Gates caps)

Any advise is welcome.

Where do you live? Spearit Sound in Massachusetts sells both NAD and Music Hall. You can then do your own show down and decide for yourself.

In any event, your list are all good choices depending on final taste.
I live outside Atlanta, GA. I have found a store to audition the NAD and Rega, but not the others.

I've got the Music Hall in my headphone rig, and like it a lot -- for $400 and change new, it's hard to beat.

Check with Underwoodwally here on Audiogon -- he's a Music Hall dealer, and I THINK he's located somewhere in the Atlanta area.
I also am a big fan of the music hall, it is a great player for the price. I also like the Linn Mimik, but they are different sounds, listen for yourself and goodluck,
A used Sony DVP s9000es should easily compete with or perhaps excel some of those in your current list of cdp's regarding redbook cd playback.

And since you are not interested in SACD and DVD, I will not bother mentioning that the s9000es excels in those formats as well.