DVD-A/SACD two box solution what do you think?

I am still trying to figure out what to do so let me know what you think of this solution. For SACD and redbook playback I will use the Phillips 963 and for DVD-V/DVD-A I was thinking of getting a Toshiba SD-9200, which also has HDCD decoding. Used this combo will be cheaper than a new universal that I was considering. Would you change either box and why? Thanks.

If you want an inexpensive solution for DDVD, DVD A, DAD, and CD try the Pioneer DVD players like DV 656A or its follow-on. It's also newer technology than the Toshiba.
You should also consider a Dan Wright Pioneer DV-47 with the Universal Truth modifications. It's an amazing performer, and it will play all current formats. You should be out less than $1500, even after buying a new player at a discount and paying for the mods. It will honestly compete with anything I've heard for less than $5,000. I received mine a few weeks ago, and I'm AMAZED by its' performance.
If audio is your prime concern, the Pioneer DV-45A has the same audio section as the 47 for less money, it plays
everything and can be Modwrighted or roll your own mods
as I plan to do.
Anybody out there heard the Esoteric DV-50? It got a rave in a review online in "Soundstage", and I believe it is scheduled to be reviewed in the August "Stereophile". It is half the price of the Linn Unidisk ($11,000.00), and might be just as good or better than the Linn.