What's best CD player one piece price no object

I am awaiting the new Spectral one piece CD player, estimated to cost $9,500 and to come out early next year. What other players should I consider, given the rest of my system (Spectral amp and preamp, Watt/Puppy 7s, MIT interconnects)? Thanks for the input.
Well, there is also the venerable Linn Sondek CD12... can't forget this one (where is mikel? :-)

I have a Sony SCD-555ES and a Wadia 861xi. The Wadia is very much better than the Sony for CD's although the Sony is very good on SACD's. I compared the Wadia to an Accuphase side-by-side and bought the Wadia.
Musical Fidelity nuvista CD.
Audio Research CD3 (a lot like the tube players, but with out the impedence matching problems).
ML 390s
Each choice is great, but it all depends on your prefrences. For instance, for classical the CD3 for jazz the ML, and pop/rock goes to the nuvista. YMMV.
Audiofederation said it. My price no object player would be the Linn CD12. Just after it I would put the Ensemble separates, the Dichrono DAC and the transport whose name escapes me at this precise moment. I would upgrade the power cords and I would not use an Ensemble digital IC.
Get yourself a Audio Note CDT-2 transport and Audio Note DAC 3 Balanced and you'll be there!P.S. Put a Audio Magic Illusion Digital cable between them.