MSB Link and static electricity

In the winter around here it gets very dry. Dry enough to create a lot of static. Today I accidently touched my MSB Link, saw a spark, and the Link stopped working. The only light that stayed on was the power light. There was no analog output. I unplugged the power supply, and replugged to no avail. I then shut the whole thing off and went out to eat. When I returned two hours later and turned it back on, it worked. I thought for sure that I had somehow fried a chip. Has anyone else had this happen?
I tell you, I had it happen today with my CDP. Scared the hell out of me. First I thought it was due to me installing my "Porter Port" outlet incorrectly. No, it is to straightforward to install an outlet. Did some reading here on A'gon and determined it was static electricity. I had jumped off my couch, with just socks on, my feet that is, slid across my carpet on my knees, and touched my CDP. All of the sudden, a loud electrical noise came out of my speakers. Anyway, use a humidifier, and find some antistatic spray. You also want to make sure you touch some other metal before touching your DAC. I think there is a joke in that last sentence somewhere but I will not go there.

Had the exact experience of Amandarae with my Nelson Dac, nothing to worry about.
I had owned the MSB LS-1/PS-1 combo when Mark Brassfield still headed that company.During the winter months,I would have the same problem.Generally,a 24 hour unplug brought the unit back on line.You might try grounding your rack to "discharge" before coming in contact with the unit or wear shoe wear that won't add to the problem {rubber sole}.
Thank you for your help. I've been using it, the Link, and it seems to be fine. I'm glad to hear that others have experienced the same thing. For the record, I have a humidifier going full blast, but the colder the weather gets the more the furnace goes, and when the temp is below zero it's really hard to keep a home moist enough.