Electrocompaniet EMC-1: let's talk?

"The history of the player is:
24/96 (original)
24/192 (upgraded DAC)
24/192 UP (upgraded DAC plus various internal component upgrades).

The "SE" and "MKII" designations refer to the 24/192 UP and 24/192 players. Neither of these are actually official names given by Electrocompaniet. Someone (dealer or customer) referred to the EMC-1 players as "SE" and "MKII" some months back and the names just kinda' stuck."
The above from the horse's mouth, an authorized dealer. After having gone through hell selling my Dodson 217 MK II D, competing w/guys mistakenly advertising their units w/out mentioning they were upgraded and not the latest model, I'm a bit sensitive to mis-categorizations, no matter how innocent. (Anyone playing these games should be pilloried in front of an array of Bose speakers).
Hshapiro, thanks for your quick response.
You´re right, that option still is not included in the newest players. (I bought it on December 2002) and I am writing from Spain.
I agree with you, it is incredible they have not fixed this feature yet.
Although in my opinion, is not of such importance as to make you change your buying of this superb CD player, every time I pick up my remote control to view the remaining time of a track in a 4100 playe and get nothing, I feel totally upset.
May be is a silly question cause I´m not a specialist, but Could this failure be solved through a change of hardware pieces or the remote control? or I will have to trust forever in the tracks time showed on CD covers ?
I agree that this missing feature isn't such a glaring problem that you would ask for your money back. It's just so stupid to leave out a feature that appears on almost every other player in existence! I mean, how could you not list the track time and track remaining time?? I never inquired directly to EC to see if there was some fix. They aren't very quick when responding to questions by e-mail, anyway. I guess we'll just have to trust the CD cover track times, when they are listed. But that's the real problem. On some CD's, the times are not listed, and if would be nice to see the track time on the player.
I received the "UP"grade mod parts: 24 diodes and three power supply electrolytics, and dutifully installed them in about 2 hours roundtrip.
First impressions include a fleshier, more natural soundtstage with no "edge-carving", however pleasant, that existed before. Soundstage seems a bit closer, as Celery also noted. The cost of this upgrade is in the labor installing the tiny diodes on two boards, as the parts cost is under $20 here in the US! It's amazing how a small change in these very cheap ($0.24 ea) parts can make any kind of audible difference, but I think it does.
Top octave cleanliness may be improved too, but that may be because I left my Aleph monos on for 4 days continuous because it's so cold up here in Beantown. Chivers! Ern
EC has agreed to support ALL products independent of location, but the US distributor will NOT service specifically-graymarket products from Denmark. That leaves a few owners of EMC-1 CDPs no place to turn to install the latest "UP"grade. If you're one of them RSVP. I may be able to help.... Ern