Stereophile Test CD questions

Hi all,
I just got the Stereophile test cd's, and i'm trying to figure out how to use them. I have some very basic questions, so please bear with me. First off, how does one use pink noise? Secondly, I was pleased to see that the imaging seemed to be very good, by all their tests. Thirdly, as I went through the test tone warbles, wuth progressively lower frequencies, the volume seemed to diminish. I don't have an SPL meter, so this is according to my ears. 25 Hz. was clearly audible, but 20Hz. was barely there. Does this imply that I need a sub to fill out the lower frequencies? My room has no treatments, and the speakers are close to the wall, thanks to WAF. I plan to get a room in 6 months or so, where the speakers can be in th center, if that's where they'll sound the best.
When you move your speakers out from the wall the bass will diminish but imaging should improve. Weather or not you need a sub will be determined by the music you listen to and the readings you get off your new dB meter Rives talked about.

Now, if I may incroach on you thread...what are the phase tests used for on disc #3?

Also, what a difference a mike makes on a recording. We fret about copper or silver cables when a particular mike should dictate what music we should buy :P
Phase testing is very important. You can check the absolute phase, or if one of your speakers is out of phase. As to your comment about microphones--yes, but the placement of the mics is almost as important as the type of mic you are using. So much goes into recordings and I often wonder if older recordings the issues of mic and placement were more diligently treated than they are today.
Pink noise useless? Hardly. It is a very good tool to setup the speakers to obtain best possible 3D soundstage. Adjust the distance from the wall and apart, as well as toe-in to acheive a locked in "ball" of noise in the center with clearly heard roundness/depth to the image with the pink noise playing at moderate level, that's how you use it, it works very well and is fun to do.
Very few full range speakers will reproduce bass down to 20Hz. A lot of subs won't do 20Hz either. If you have output at 25Hz then you are doing very well.