Controlling iTunes on a MacMini from a MacBook

I own a MacBook and am planning on purchasing a MacMini for my computer audio server. I don't have an iPhone or an iTouch to control iTunes on the Mini.

Is there some software, or Sharing function that I can use to visualize iTunes on my MacMini from my MacBook and essentially use my MacBook as a remote control?

A friend showed me Screen Sharing in OS X Leopard, but the Mini would not have a screen.
screen sharing is just OK for this function, but i don't think you would like it after a while. i use my iphone to control my itunes and I get all the functionality of itunes. i would recommend looking on craigslist for a used ipod touch, setup a wireless network in your house, and you will be set.
Failing this, you could just put iTunes on the laptop, but store the library for it on the Mac Mini and network them. I have I tunes on my Macbook Pro but keep all the music files on a Time Machine. To listen to them on my stereo system, I use an Airport Express. There are lots of ways to solve this problem.
Thanks for the thoughts. I don't want to stream my music files wirelessly. I'm planning on putting the Mini on my equipment rack, with an external Western Digital hard drive connected to it.

I do have iTunes on my MacBook now. I want to keep my MacBook on my lap, since I use it for work. I don't want to use it as my server, or put it on my rack.

Maybe picking up a used iPod Touch would be the best idea. I have a wireless network already and use my MacBook wirelessly.
Just looked at eBay and the iPod Touch listings are difficult to sort out. Seems like a lot of scams going on and lots of broken ones for sale.

Could I do just fine with the 1st generation 8GB version? They go for about $75.00 on eBay.