transport w best detail retrieval and 'weight'

OK- here we go- I have the new Audio Note 3.1 Balanced (transformer-coupled output) Dac (it's great!), and am searching for a transport. I had an older Teac Esoteric P1, and liked the 'weighty' sound (the VRDS clamping system I am a big fan of). I sold it and picked up the Audio Note CDT-II due to the reviews and b/c I have the Audio Note Dac- what a mistake! Unit was very lightweight, and so was the impact. Yes- resolution was OK, and low noise floor was great, but it just didn't have the 'weight' to the sound that the Teac-based units (includes Wadia) have. I am considering the Wadia 270 and the Spectral SDR 3000 transports (both use versions of the Esoteric VRDS clamping system). Or should I give it all up and go back to one-box player? (I owned an Audio Aero Capitole but wanted more resolution so went separates). Ultimate detail retrieval and good 'weight' to the sound is what I am looking for from a transport- I have the musicality angle covered with the Dac. Any ideas?
Electrocompaniet's EMC-1 floats an 18 pound "turntable" inside its case for ultimate mechanical function. And it REALLY does have a total lack of digital artifact! Spookily real.
we also have had great luck with the CDT-Two. I did not sell the unit to Sutts but advised he try a different digital cable as we got VASTLY different sound from the unit utilizing different digital cables.
He was not interested in trying this option and in fact had already decided to sell it since as he put it, his cable was great.
To bad as this transport is first rate. As with any high end equipment synergy with cabling etc. is important.
I second that one Subaruguru. Having no experience with Electrocompaniet gear before, I heard the EMC1 2 weeks ago in a dealer showroom. CD playback was so incredible. I was so impressed I bought the DAC. I now will try different cables between this and my Pioneer PD65....but perhaps not much different. Any ideas?
You could get a Sim Audio Eclipse CDP. I know it's a full cd player but you can use it as a transport. It as digital in and out connectors. You can use it as a transport. It's one of the best transport out there. The detail retreival is amazing.
Lgregoir- I agree that the Eclipse is very good- in fact I used to own it for over a year, and it was my favorite of the non-Teac based transports- good call!! I guess I am hesitant to go down that road again, only because of the fact that their are dacs and additional circuitry in the Eclipse that I would rather not 'pay for' if I would only be using it as a transport. But it does merit consideration, as you are correct- the detail retrieval WAS excellent. In fact- I sold it to go the the Audio Aero Captitole, die to the better tonality I found woth the Cap, especially in the mids. Never did try the Eclipse as a transport only though- hmmm......

The decision is made however- as of a few hours ago, I did the deal on a demo Spectral SDR 3000 transport- will post findings on the Spectral/Audio Note Dac combo following its arrival.