Is THETA DSPro still an advisable purchase ?? Tks

I got an offer for about 400 USD 2nd hand.
Does it still keeps up with the new converters or better leave it off.??
I own one and still like it. Go for the mk. IIIa version, the last iteration made. Transport quality will still make a big difference (I use one of Theta's own). Employ the balanced XLR data connection if you can. $400 is a good price for these IMO (clean condition IIIa version - others can be less). The front panel source selection switch and lock indicator LED are commonly touchy (can seem to have a mind of their own) in this model. Try this Theta if you like the sound clean, extended, and impactful, with a big soundstage and solid 3-D images, but not if you prefer some obscuring warming-over of poor CD's. The DSPro Basic IIIa will not sweeten the top end or romanticize the mids, and the overall balance is a little cool and dry, but never flat, dull, or overly mechanical. (Ultimate transient precision, image focus, and treble clarity can be improved with a good jitter-box like the Monarchy DIP, and even more with a balanced-AC PLC and a decent PC, I have found.)
Unfortunately the version offered is the DSPro Prime !
Still valid when compare to more modern architectures ??

As a transport I plan to upgrade to a CEC when possible and definetely whatever transport will be I will use the AES/EBU being one of my criteria in selecting transports
$400 is way too much for a Pro Prime. You can get a Pro Prime IIa for that price and the IIa is vastly superior. I've owned them both.
Elgordo, please consider that I live in Europe where USA products prices are normally much higher.

The 2nd hand market is the same.

To give an idea most of USA retail prices are 50-60% higher in Europe.