Good DVD changers to use as transports?

This weekend a knowledgeable friend helped me go through my audio system to diagnose the source of a rather annoying problem that makes it difficult to listen to music for very long. I have added a power conditioner, better interconnects, and other tweaks, but it appears that the problem is the CD changer that I have been using as a transport. My friend has recommended that I get a different transport. Because I prefer a changer as a transport due to a health problem, it appears that my best option is to go with a good DVD changer. My DAC is a modded Art Di/O, so the DVD changer must have a coax out.

I know nothing about what is recommended for DVD changers and would appreciate any recommendations from fellow Audiogoners. Thanks for any help.

The older high-end Sony's make excellent changers, particularly the DVP-S7700 and DVP-S7000, and they are real cheap used on Audiogon. With mods, they both are reference quality.
Try the Parasound CDC-1500 5disc CD changer (about $200 used). Parasound is a DAC company (with several DAC models), so their single and changer CD players are regularly used as transports. In fact, my CDC-1500 even has the optional ADAM module, which added AES/EBU and AT&T ST Fiber Optical digital outputs.

Also has quiet operation and sturdy construction/changer mechanism.