Jolida JD100. How good is it?

Have been using my dvd for stereo and would like to improve. The sound is good but not great. Seems shallow. Dymanics are there but blurred together. Looking for a warmer sound and seperation of instruments. Have read reviews on the jolida but would appreciate input and any other suggested players. Price range around 500 and used will be fine unless there are reasons not to go used on a cd player. Listen to all types of music with exception of rap, hip hop, and head slammer.
Current system:
Denon avr 2800 (will go seperates soon), Onkyo integra dvd, Polk audio speakers, Bryston 3b(front two), Velodyne hgs10.
Playing my new JD-100 with the stock chinese tubes I am amazed at how good the sound is on certain recordings. A CD of the Barber Violin concerto is all one could ask for. Seductively lush and warm yet it doesnt hang back in the soundstage. It is detailed and dynamic and yet retains the warmth and liquidity that is so appealing to me.The problem I have with my system is just a little too much edge with loud passages on certain recordings.This may correct itself with a sustained breaking in of the player though. I am wondering for those of you who have found the "perfect tube" are there still recordings that sound harsh or edgy? Or does tube Heaven cure a multitude of sins?
Given you cdp is healthy, it would have to be the tubes, or downstream components that are straining.

The words, harsh, edgy, just aren't in the Joida's vocabulary. It may be the tubes; I can't remember. There are always those pesky downstream components. Any of them may be spoiling the pot.
Muralman, I dont blame the Jolida by any means.The Musical Fidelity amp and the Jolida as well as the Harmonic Technlogy Interconnects have pushed my system to a level where I am very close to what I consider perfection. There may be no such as perfection given the variable nature of recordings however. No matter how good a system is I bet I can find a recording to make it sound bad! I guess my question is (with my inexperience in tube rolling) how great a difference is there with a selected reference recordings in the tubes you have tried? Do different tubes improve the sound in subtle different ways or is the difference profound and dramatic?
Milindks, its my pleasure. I tried the JAN GE 5751s with green lettering(grey plates). Not my cup of tea either. I bet that modded player sounds awesome.

Maybe I wont try the Svets. What about the new production Sovteks, anybody have any experience with these in this player?
I've been through Telefunken (big head, soft bass, brittle highs), Mullard 4004 (good, has some microphonics undisguised in my system), Jan Phillips (nice all around, but thin), Svetlana (bold, with good body, big head, mistimbred), Chinese (surprisingly good, soft bass, rounded attack), Sovtek (ouch), Eletro harmonix (great mids, rolled off), Sylvania Black plate (superb timbre, great attack, solid bass, black background, correct staging, huge depth, slighly forward, extended treble that may sound hard on some tweeters.)

Many ss amps and pre amps can become harsh and bright when driven hard. Non adj. volume Cd players can't. They are always pumping out the same signal.