Meitner DCC2

I have asked this question in another thread but would appreciate more feedback if any.

That CDSD-DCC2 is great is not much in doubt. My question is with regards to DCC2's pre-map funcationality and specifically its quality.

Would u recommend hooking it up directly to power amps, thus suing its pre-amp funcationality, or by passing and thus using a separate quality pre-amp? If so any in particular? I have Linn Klimaxx 500 Monoblocks.

I have about 200 hours on my DCC2, and while I haven't done an A-B with an external preamp, I really haven't felt any need to. As Lugnut mentioned above, the unit is incredibly SMOOTH and involving, but with none of the blurring of detail that those terms sometimes imply. I've had some fine preamps in my system--most recently the First Sound Presence Deluxe--but with the DCC2 I'm literally hearing things in recordings I haven't heard before. And the music is more enjoyable and listenable than it's ever been. I'm not sure how much of that is attributable to the preamp section, but I'm guessing a pretty decent chunk.
Is it a world class pre-amp???.....this I cannot tell you. I will say that I am fairly confident that it equals or betters anything I have used in the past. Take a look at my virtual system which lists just about all of the equipment I have owned. I have used the unit as a pre-amp a few times now, but honestly, not with equipment I am greatly familiar with. I warn you though that it is extremely neutral and reminds me of my placette audio pre-amps (passive and active). Unless you greatly prefer a big tubey sound, I don't think you can go wrong with using it as a pre-amp.
I would love to know why EMM Labs won't make a one-box cdp. Given their excellent dac technology, it would surely be superb, and perhaps even a bit cheaper than their current trans/dac 2-box approach that many of us (me included) can't currently afford- just a thought...
Just to add another datapoint to this thread, I am using an Accuphase DP75V as a transport into my DCC2 (via coax digital cable) and it is so astounding I am questioning the need for a Meitnerized transport with EMM Optilink Fiber. It is absorbing and un-abrasive and spacious, far less tizzy or boomy (thru Kharma 3.2s) than the Accuphase on its own. Even lousy old popular 1980's CDs have been magically transformed from unlistenable to relaxing and involving. I use the preamp outputs of the DCC2 into an Edge NL12 amp. If you have a DP75V, I would really consider this configuration. I'm just a user whose been searching for good sound for 20+ years. The only negative about the DCC2 is that I wish it had a few more volume steps like my former ML 32 preamp (~700 steps, vs. 100 for the DCC2), but this is a minor quibble. It also makes some unseemly noises thru the speakers if you press the wrong combination of buttons, but I've learned how to avoid this.
I guess these things may be corrected in a future version, but IMHO this is a breakthrough product.
Rgs92- I am curious why you wouldn't consider selling the Accuphase and get the CDSD, there would be a difference in price but the difference in performance would be HUGE. There's a level of transparency and detail you can not obtain with out using the Emm opti-link. The "trick" of this is that it converts everything to DSD in the DAC and that in itself makes for a VERY enjoyable experience. Even if your not interested in SACD its also nice to know its there if you want it- to my ears and other's who have listened to my system SACD is much better then redbook, which is fantastic in itself!