Which tubed cd player for this system

I am looking to get a cd player for my new system
speakers: Zingali 3S (horn/bass reflex)
preamp and amp are being built by Albert at space tech
tube Q113A, hybrid HP -100 amplifier
cd players considered (I can get all at approx the same cost new) Xindek SCD-2, Njoe Tjoeb 4000, or Jolida 100
I might be able to stretch the budget a little and try a Shanling cd-t 100 (sure looks nice!)
Obviously I am trying to stay tubed output
Thanks, your advice is welcome
The Jolida is a fantastic player even stock, but I could
not believe how much better got when I put in
some NOS Jan Philips 12AX7WA's.

Everything across the board was better! Sort of the same
effect of putting floor standing speakers on spikes.
Everything is better defined, imaging is more precise (thought
that was a little weak with the stock tubes)better bass
& smoother highs with a beautiful midrange. All for a $39 dollar upgrade.
I just received my AH! Njoe Tjoeb with all of the upgrades and goodies (including the upsampler.) I swaped out my MF AC324 for this unit and all I can say is......WOW!!! I have about 10 total playing hours on this player and it still sounds spectacular. To my set of ears, it is vastly superior to the MF DAC/transporer model I was using. Everything I have played on this CDP thus far sounds so.....MUSICAL. It is truly a great value and sounds better than advertised.

Thanks for all your responses
I decided to go with the Jolida JD-100, and at a later date, I may have the upgrade done. I also came across a pair of NOS Jan Philips 12AX7WA's, and picked them up for $30. Will do some tube swapping. Thanks for the input. Now it is time to pick up interconnects and speaker cables.
I would put the Opera Consonance CD-2.2WT-R tube cd player on your short list. I've spoken with 2 dealers of this cd player and they gush over it, feeling it will play with the big boys, up to $10K. Yes, we've all heard that many times before, but I'll fortunately have a chance to hear one very shortly and be able compare it to the Jolida JD-100 and my Musical Fidelity A324, which I love.
Well, Socrates, you are holding out on us. State your problems with the Jolida, and that was with versus what? By the way....Phillips, not Burr Brown.