looking for best isolation platform for CD player

Looking for best isolation platform for High End CDP , Linn / Audio Aero Capital/ Ensemble new cdp out next few weeks / not sure yet what I'm getting. Using XA7ES right now.

I have a stand now ( Atlantis ) and looking at audio points /silent feet, not quite sure if these are the right ideal or is there a perfect platform specialy for CDP .

Note: just bought Sistrum SP1 for my amp should be here next week.
Thank you Sean. Error correction seems to be some sort of low level pollution the less the player has to correct for the more clarity and ease of sound.Tom
The particular vibration isolation table that I have used is a Halcyonics unit similar to their current model Mod-1M. Check it out on their web site: www.halcyonics.com.

Although I remain skeptical about the necessity to isolate CD players, I can tell you that this vibration isolation table does a superb job.
Proy, you have probably made your decision by now, but if not, I recommend Geoff Kait's Machina Dynamica Promethean Base. I have been using one for a week now under my digital components and the results are truly excellent. I have my amps on these as well, again with great results. I suspect every component I value will end up on one of these and that this will be the end of any and all isolation concerns forever. The benefit is in no way subtle.