Various Wadia models Vs Cary Audio and others

I'm in the market for upgrading from my current Arcam FMJ 23. I've heard great things about these 2 brands and various models are available on the web / classified. Assuming only ' the sound matters' which one of these can be most satifying for the next few years:

270 transport+ 27 decoder
22 transport +26 decoder

Cary Audio


Sont SCD-1 + MS decoder or Musical Fidelity A3 decoder

My other componets are Ayre K5 + V5 with PMC FB1

Thanks for sharing.

I had both an 861 and 306 in my system at the same time. I preferred the Wadia on all counts--of course, its more expensive.
861se if you can snag one. THere is about an 8 week waiting period. The highly modified Teac transport makes a significant improvement over the 861.