Is Exemplar the answer?

I'm looking for the best red book source I can find at around $5000 or under. I came very close to buying an Esoteric DV50, but reconsidered after hearing about John Tucker's Exemplar Audio mod of the Denon 2900. Have you heard this player, and how would you compare it to the best red book sources you have heard. It's fine to have a player that will play every format known to man, and having a universal player is a nice bonus, but my cd collection is almost all red book, and I want to get the most from the titles I currently have.

Also, I recently cleaned the tubes and sockets within the Exemplar with the AudioTop contact cleaner. The improvement is at least of the magnitude of the use of Siltech wire. This stuff maybe from an alien culture given how much better it is than any other cleaners I have used.
Here is Jules Coleman's reply to my question regarding the static issue:

you can hear the static, but it is of short duration, when you press buttons to skip tracks or to start the machine going.  you don't hear it once a disk is playing. it is just a noise associated with mechanical use. once the disk plays, there is dead silence. 

He also said the Exemplar is the best mod he has heard.
Dan Wright has been mentioned briefly above, but I'd just like to reiterate that ModWright should definitely be considered as well as Exemplar when it comes to modding. I have a 5900 (which also plays HDCD) with Dan's Universal Truth Tube mods (and some other mods), and it has exceeded my every expectation.
Hey, we're not going to get into a Modwright vs. Exemplar battle here are we? I'm certain both are excellent. Dan's Sony 999ES has received a glowing review on the "Stereo Times" website, and having owned one of Dan's machines, I can tell you he does stunningly good work. A machine from either modder would make the buyer quite happy.