Is Exemplar the answer?

I'm looking for the best red book source I can find at around $5000 or under. I came very close to buying an Esoteric DV50, but reconsidered after hearing about John Tucker's Exemplar Audio mod of the Denon 2900. Have you heard this player, and how would you compare it to the best red book sources you have heard. It's fine to have a player that will play every format known to man, and having a universal player is a nice bonus, but my cd collection is almost all red book, and I want to get the most from the titles I currently have.

Hey, everybody with Denon 2900s, unless you have used the D.P. Memory button while hooked up to a tv to turn off the digital and video outputs, you have not heard its potential. With the Exemplar mods, the improvement is breathtaking of about the magnitude of the Siltech wire option. I learned of this from John Tucker and maybe many of you already knew.
Exemplar owners...are you leaving the player in "Standby"
mode and powering up with the remote, or are you turning the unit on
and off with the power switch on the player? Does leaving the unit in
"Standby" reduce the life of the tubes? And, if you are
leaving the unit in "Standby", is this because it's
recommended by John Tucker, or something you're doing on your own?

Also, I've noticed a fair amount of high frequency vibration coming from
the transport (I assume). I can feel it when I'm changing interconnects
and I have a slight grip on the back of the unit. I can actually feel the
vibrations in the interconnects themselves. Anyone have a suggestion
for damping these vibrations?
Hip hip hooray, my 3910 should me done next week, I miss my 2900 already, at least the new owner loves it too. Tvad, nice job making $$$ trading up from the Electro's, huh? Tbg, I don't get it, but you have good suggestions on your tweaks. I also am having john put the siltech and remote in my pre-amp too....I am almost there.
Actually, 711Smilin, I didn't trade up from the Electro to the Exemplar
2900 and make $$$. Considering my initial investment in the Electro
plus the cost of the mods and spider clamp, I came out considerably
behind in terms of $$$. However, the Exemplar is a better value due to
it's phenominal redbook performance combined with its universal
capabilities. Also, the EA Electro still does some things better than the
Exemplar...if you like the slightly warm and analogish Electro signature
84audio you and I should get together one afternoon and listen to my Krell sacd player and your Exemplar..While you are at my place you can hear for your self the full Sistrum system in play with the Caravelle speakers.Tom