Audio Logic 24mxl 1st impressions/questions

I have had this DAC for 3 days. So far it has been very enjoyable. It is being used with an older Sony 5 disk DVD player, a First Sound Presence Deluxe MKII preamp, a Bryston 4B SST loaner (VTL MB-450 sigs are in for repair) and Merlin Mil. speakers.

Compared to the Cary 308-T that I sold, the first thing I noticed is that the AL is very dynamic. In this respect, it reminds me of a friends Naim CDS2. It is very engaging. Also, I am hearing bass that I have never before heard from my Merlins. This is most welcome. I have found some instruments a bit strident - especially the trumpet. I suspect this is the Bryston's contribution. Also, the ambiance can seem opaque.

I realize that I need a better transport and have been considering one of the Accustic Arts Drive Ones or the CEC TL1s listed here.

If any of you can direct me to one of these or another that I have not mentioned that would be great. Also, recommendations for a digital cable and power cord would also be appreciated. By the way, I am planning on ordering some Siemens CCAs or cryoed Telefunkens.

Thank you for any thoughts you may have.
A transport such as a CEC would be a wise choice (TL-1X or 2X) different tubes (like you mentioned) and possibly a good balanced digital cable like a Kimber Orchid.
The Omega Mikros {DIG,PCs} work extremely well with this unit.I understand that the Brimar tubes are a valuable upgrade over the stock tubes.Happy listening.
Thanks for the good suggestions, guys. I will keep looking for the CEC TL1x . For the digital cable, I will try the Orchid, the Jena, and maybe the Virtual Dynamics. The Omega Mikro seems too fragile for me.